Countdown to Halloween2013

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

I am new here.................

I recently joined the Hive. A place where ideas come to life and people share the process of creating. They list activities by state and by project description ie: photography or painting etc.

I posted a blog entry as follows:

I haven't produced much work yet. I have been busy for the last 27 years, raising a family that produced two excellant artisits. My daughters both attended VCU school of the arts and one of them has received a BFA in Graphic Design.

I on the other hand have been the wife to one, the mom of two, the pet mommy to 4 and the caregiver to my parents, one in death and one living on his own. I have dabbled here and there in all types of media and have learned quite a bit about the ARTS from my experiences with my art school daughters. I still yearn (that is the most perfect word that I can find for it) for the ability to produce artistic works.

I take a bazillion photographs and I follow my Robin's nests in photos from construction of the nest to the babies flying away. I have done this twice in one year and I am currently following a nest. I find that my love is with nature in my yard and Halloween. I work in photography, photoshop, illustrator, drawing, print, paint, scrapbooks, sculpture in model magic and paperclay, marker rendering, colored pencils, beading, costuming, cross stitch, etc. etc. etc. I have even made candles. I will try to create anything from everything.

So as I learn about you and your work I will learn about myself and hopefully produce works soon. I am currently a member of ebay, etsy, facebook, deviant art and I have no work for sale. Browsing the internet now seems to be my hobby. Be patient and I may yet sell a piece of art, if I can find time to use all of the art supplies that I have accumulated from my many trips with my girls to get their art school supplies. lols

I followed this rant with a few pics.........

Photo Project Robin's Nest, Day 9

My first attempt at Decorative Painting years ago from a project out of a Crafts and Things Magazine.

And this is my latest attempt at decorative painting.

TTFN will blog more later.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck! I understand about the business of life/family taking up years of time. Make time for yourself now, and you won't regret it. :)
