Countdown to Halloween2013

Saturday, April 23, 2011


From Egg to Flight in 11 days. I would say that is one heck of a transition.
3 babies in the nest on April 22nd.

This one is sitting on his siblings head while he lives on the edge.

This morning I see one little head poking up as if to say "Where did everybody go?"

As this one spends his last day in the nest he is certainly becoming a nest full all on his own.

Trying so hard to get those wings working so that he can join the rest of the family.

As I walked around the yard today I could tell when I was getting close to a young one by all of the squawking the adult birds were making and was able to locate them in the trees.

Goodbye sweet birds, be careful and maybe see ya next year if you build where your mama built.

A day is a lifetime to a Bird: 11 days since hatching out of an egg and already flying out of the nest.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Time Flies

The birds are everywhere, we have a nest in the back of the house (the one I am taking pics of), there is one in the front now with 4 eggs, there are birds all over the place mating and building nests and just being obnoxious. I sincerely hope the remaining 3 in this nest make it to fly away and be grown up Robins. I believe that they or at least one of these will be flying away this weekend. The runt may take a couple more days. We have had bad storms, but rainbow promises and no damage in my neighborhood. I am saddened that one of the birds did not make it past Friday of last week, my dog found it quite a distance from the nest on the ground. Couldn't tell what had killed it, there was no apparent damage to the bird. Doves, blackbirds, and blue jays have flown at the nest as if to attack it but the mama and daddy birds always seem to protect it very well. One of them even tried to attack me this week after the loss of one of the babies. I don't blame them. There has been progress on my creative work space and I hope to feel even more accomplished by the end of this weekend.

Friday, April 15, 2011


I think we have baby dinosaurs....LOL. It is fun to watch how these birds go from featherless fuzzy babies to birds that fly away and make more. I followed a nest in this exact spot 2 years ago and sometimes I wonder if this is the same mama or one of her babies or just some random bird. They, on the other hand, could care less who I am.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

I missed a day of blogging

So I took a day off from bogging, you dear reader didn't miss too much. I still have 4 birds and 3 of them are very active as shown below and above one of them stretches to great lengths for a meal..>LOL

Monday, April 11, 2011

Four blind hungry fuzzy babies

Today we have four and will watch how the last two born will hit the developmental milestones at the same pace as the siblings. Today mama and daddy robin were a little more vocal, squawking loudly as I took pictures but I have not been dive bombed yet and for that I am gratefull.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Three Babies in a nest.

Shhhhhhh 3 babies sleeping in the early afternoon. 3 babies later in the day, I can see 3 heads this time. Later at dusk this little guy was hungry but because they are so wiggly my camera decided to not focus on them the nest was a much better choice.
Happy birthday little one.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Announcement: 2 new babies

Although these are just your backyard garden variety Robins, I am still fascinated by life. It happens so fast in birds. Eggs were laid starting March 25th, one egg a day until she had four. Just 15 days later we have BabyBirds. I still love biology when we are talking the LIFE side of it. Tomorrow if we are lucky we will have 4.

Friday, April 8, 2011

So I really want to create..................

It looks as though all I can do is create more mess. I have a wonderful workspace I am just trying to make it useable. I am trying REALLY I am. I am even throwing dried up and unuseable supplies away. All to often I think creative people keep too much stuff to reuse and see wonderful projects in every thing we touch. Somebody send me a shovel.......LOLs

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Not what I expected:

So I went to a car show and I came home with a rhinestone skeleton necklace: And I went outside to take pics of Birds and today I found Bees: Sometimes you just don't get what you expect and it can be better than what was originally expected!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

A Sequence of Events (Robins)

I never have much time to do this kind of stuff, but because I have to take my dogs out every afternoon when I get home I have grown acustomed to grabbing my camera as I walk out the door. These are the results of the last 2 weeks of bird stalking. It hasn't been bird watching it is purely stalking to take pictures of her nest right after she flies away. So since I felt guilty for taking daily pics of her eggs I felt she deserved the spotlight today while we all wait for the big event. Four more birds in my neighborhood to crap on my car. O, well, lets just enjoy the beauty in the nature of it.
Here are the sequence of events leading to today's portrait of a mother.

Never too early to start putting together a costume.

I always feel like there is one piece every year that I just can't get my hands on or I am not able to make on my own. Last year it was a collapsable top hat. Since then I have found a decent looking one at Halloween Mart Online for around 30 dollars.

As I searched for Top Hats I ran across an awesome sight for getting the framework of ALL kinds of hats to cover and/or decorate however I want. JOY!!!! Hope that some of you out there may be as excited as I was. Any costume can be better with a hat.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

I am new here.................

I recently joined the Hive. A place where ideas come to life and people share the process of creating. They list activities by state and by project description ie: photography or painting etc.

I posted a blog entry as follows:

I haven't produced much work yet. I have been busy for the last 27 years, raising a family that produced two excellant artisits. My daughters both attended VCU school of the arts and one of them has received a BFA in Graphic Design.

I on the other hand have been the wife to one, the mom of two, the pet mommy to 4 and the caregiver to my parents, one in death and one living on his own. I have dabbled here and there in all types of media and have learned quite a bit about the ARTS from my experiences with my art school daughters. I still yearn (that is the most perfect word that I can find for it) for the ability to produce artistic works.

I take a bazillion photographs and I follow my Robin's nests in photos from construction of the nest to the babies flying away. I have done this twice in one year and I am currently following a nest. I find that my love is with nature in my yard and Halloween. I work in photography, photoshop, illustrator, drawing, print, paint, scrapbooks, sculpture in model magic and paperclay, marker rendering, colored pencils, beading, costuming, cross stitch, etc. etc. etc. I have even made candles. I will try to create anything from everything.

So as I learn about you and your work I will learn about myself and hopefully produce works soon. I am currently a member of ebay, etsy, facebook, deviant art and I have no work for sale. Browsing the internet now seems to be my hobby. Be patient and I may yet sell a piece of art, if I can find time to use all of the art supplies that I have accumulated from my many trips with my girls to get their art school supplies. lols

I followed this rant with a few pics.........

Photo Project Robin's Nest, Day 9

My first attempt at Decorative Painting years ago from a project out of a Crafts and Things Magazine.

And this is my latest attempt at decorative painting.

TTFN will blog more later.